RING AROUND by COREY YODER for MODA BLOCKHEADS7/29/2024 免费pcvpn We are half way through the blocks at this point! It is so fun to see them all come together as a group. This is a cheery block from Corey Yoder to kick off round 3, RING AROUND. The pattern is at Corey's blog: RING AROUND from COREY YODER ![]() This week's block has a ring of squares that surrounds the center diamond. You can keep the "ring" around the center fairly straightforward (like the first one and the one below it) or treat the small squares as more of a checkerboard (second image). Playing with shades of light and dark can make a glowing square overlaying the horizontal and vertical bands running through the block. Dropping out the corners to white emphasizes the octagonal shape that the block can take. And that last image treats each corner as it's own color group. ![]() I was intrigued by dropping out a couple opposite corners and how the shape can look like a leaf out of a Minecraft world. I also experimented with the dark outside going into a light inside as well as creating more of a hashtag shape within the center. So many possibilites! I'll be updating this with my block once it's sewn. I think I am going to try one of those giant pixelated leaves! Happy sewing and starting round 3. More Moda Blockheads Designers:
7.29 – Corey Yoderpcvpn免费 8.5 – Sherri McConnell 8.12 – Betsy Chutchian 8.19 – Jan Patek 8.26 – Brigitte Heitland 9.2 – Lisa Bongean 9.9 – Lissa Alexander 9.16 – Laurie Simpson 9.23– Vanessa Goertzen 9.30 – Stacy Iest Hsu 10.7 – Robin Pickens 10.14 – pcvpn免费 10.21 – Jen Kingwell 10.28 – Joanna Figueroa
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Broken Dishes block by Joanna Figueroa for Moda Blockheads7/22/2024 pcvpn免费 Happy Wednesday! I enjoyed making Joanna Figueroa's block this week. I had just finished the little 1" HST from Janet Clare's block design so those corners came together so fast after all that practice! If you haven't gotten Joanna's pattern, you can go to her blog through the link below: Joanna Figueroa Broken Dishes blog post Color studies for "Broken Dishes" start out with a few shades of blue with white, then progress to include green, along with playing with light and dark. The four corners of the block look very different depending if they are white, dark color or lighter colors. I like how the right image on the top row has the look of bows or baskets on angles in the corners. And directly underneath that block, the bands of colors of teal or blue run through in horizontal and vertical bands. The first image on the second row has a "rounder" or more octagonal feel, while the one next to it has strong square side borders. In the bottom row, the first image is a graduation of light in the center, radiating out. And the two images next to it assigns colors to each corner, creating shaddow and light bands within the colors. ![]() My blocks this week will live in my blue row. The all-Thatched has Royal and Sky blues, utilizing some backs for more light shades. The scrappier block uses the warmer Seafoam blues from Abby Rose with an additional "Varietals" print from Solana added in. If you have Abby Rose, the blues carry through very nicely to Solana. ![]() ![]() 我伔很专业|在家怎么用山大vpn上知网?_论文 - Sohu:2021-7-20 · HighWire Press号称是提供免费全文的、全球最大的学术文献出版商之一。 该网站收录的期刊内容囊括了生命科学、医学、物理学、社会科学等多个领域,具体收录电子期刊882种,文章总数已达282万篇,其中超过103万篇文章可免费获得全文,重点是这些数据仍在不断增加。 ![]() More Moda Blockheads Designers:
7.22 – Joanna Figueroa- we are here! 免费pcvpnCorey Yoder 8.5 – Sherri McConnell 8.12 – Betsy Chutchian pcvpn免费Jan Patek 8.26 – 免费的pcvpn 9.2 – Lisa Bongean 9.9 – Lissa Alexander 9.16 – Laurie Simpson 9.23– Vanessa Goertzen 9.30 – Stacy Iest Hsu 10.7 – Robin Pickens 免费的pcvpnJanet Clare 10.21 – Jen Kingwell
爬墙专用加速器-魔法工具app下载-外网免费试用两小时-爬墙专用加速器7/15/2024 2 Comments Click here to go to Jen's blog for "The Proposal" pattern 工信部回应VPN指导意见:不会影响国内外用户正常使用 ...:2021-1-30 · 专家免费 在线义诊 北京一出租车医院门口堵救护车 无锡高架桥侧翻事故致3人死亡 98岁老人怀疑被毒害持刀杀妻 热 图 餐厅座位摆满假人 250年前 ... ![]() This paper-pieced pattern can be done with gradations to give that 3 dimensional look. Or maybe treat it as a graphic, light and dark bands with more contrast. The third image plays off dark on light background on the top with light on dark background mirroring on the bottom. In the bottom row, when you accent the middle side angles with another color, it starts to look more like an emblem. The last image also suggests some transparency and light coming through on an angle. Teresa on facebook asked about ideas for this on point and it is an interesting block to think about that. Since I still had my file open I tried modifying and rotating a few. I like how a grouping of 4 can point to a center area. For the one on the right, I took the two halves of the block and joined them on the opposite side to make rays coming out of the center. ![]() Isn't it perfect that this block from Jenn comes right at the time of her anniversary? Happy Anniversary Jen! In honor, the folks at Moda thought it would be fun to share a special proposal or wedding in our lives or family. This is my dear husband and I on our wedding day. He is the best partner in life!! ![]() I'll post my block when its done. Right now I'm STILL making HST from Janet's block from last week! Almost there...
爬墙专用加速器-魔法工具app下载-外网免费试用两小时-爬墙专用加速器7/10/2024 1 Comment 用户登录 - 博客园 - cnblogs.com:博客园用户登录 ![]() 赞助PC Home成为VIP,提高访问体验!-PC Home:2021-6-12 · 首先,非常感谢大家一直众来对小子的支持和鼓励,因为很多原因为了给大家提供更好更优秀的服务,即日起,PC Home在原有基础上推出赞助会员功能,同时针对赞助会员增加众下增值服务(当然,您的直接打赏也是对小子的大力支持!): 1.尊享多网盘无广告下载; 2.第一时间响应会员软件及... ![]() And another Abby Rose quilt made it into Quiltmania! My Little Bird Song is a wall sized quilt which is great for using scraps or leftover bits. This is made with traditional patchwork piecing from rectangles, squares and half square triangles and its diagrammed out for arrangement. I pieced and quilted this one. I did freemotion quilting on my domestic machine by adding more leaf shapes into the negative background spaces. This is in Issue 138.
The magazines travel to shows to show you the latest in the quilting world. During this unusual time of the pandemic, we've had numerous shows canceled or delayed. I appreciate the connections we have through the internet and social media but it is a unique experience to go to shows like these and be in person with other quilters. There is a vibrant energy and it fills the soul with creative ideas. I was fortunate to go to Quiltcon in February, back when we still were hugging and laughing out loud. I was thrilled to see Carol Veillon, the founder and Executive Director of Quiltmania. It was a surprise to me that my Beanstalk quilt had been selected for the COVER of the Simply Moderne Issue 20! What a fantastic surprise! We are pictured here with Lissa Alexander from Moda Fabrics. What wonderful people! ![]() Beanstalk uses my Painted Meadow line of coneflower fabric from Moda Fabrics. The curved leaves are a great way to get comfortable with curved piecing- its only a quarter circle! I pieced this quilt and it was longarmed by Marion Bott with a beautiful Sand Dollar pantograph. I can't wait to try this one in Thatched Basics and a version in string quilt blocks. Quiltmania has supplied these lovely photos and I hope you can pick up one of the issues on your news stand. They can also be ordered directly from Quiltmania at their website http://www.quiltmania-inc.us/ or www.quiltmania.com You should be able to order any of these three currently. Grab a cup of tea and take a moment to yourself to enjoy stitch and color and quilts!
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爬墙专用加速器-魔法工具app下载-外网免费试用两小时-爬墙专用加速器7/8/2024 2 Comments This week's block can really be interpreted SO MANY different ways so I just picked a few for color studies. But first, linking to Janet's blog for the pattern if you haven't gotten it already: Janet Clare's Zig Zags Pattern Half Square Triangles. Lots of them. I think it's interesting that Janet's block size uses one size of half square triangles no matter which size block you are making for Moda Blockheads. So if you are making a 4" block you will just have fewer rows. If you are making a bigger block, they are the same size pieces, just more of them and you add rows. I am making 8" blocks so I've only done color studies with the configuration for 8". I'm sure you can imagine more or less! ![]() I've started with the basic idea that Janet has on her instructions. Zig Zags have light and dark sections with solids running in between as a solid chevron color. The image next to it is a similar idea but with a scrappier mix of colors and the inside chevrons using different lights and darks. I've got a row of dark green triangles that crops the zig zag on the outer row. If you don't "see" it, squint your eyes to see the banding. The last image on the first row plays with light towards the center and darker colors around the outside perimeter. On the second row I've put light in the middle and am gradually making the colors darker going towards the top and bottom. And with that last one, I started playing with a vertical band within the half square triangles and bringing a column of arrow points down. I thought this was pretty fun so how about if the whole image did a play of contrasts like that? ![]() 免费: free vpn all time for pc 下载-windows: free vpn all time ...:2021-6-7 · 免费: free vpn all time for pc 下载软件在 UpdateStar: - Privitize is a VPN – virtual private network – that makes sure that all your internet connections go through our super fast servers located world wide – now your privacy is protected all the time while ![]() This image keeps the chevron zig zags and plays with the half square triangles in the center as a composition within a composition. You could use flying geese for the perimeter blocks or still play with the subtlety through scrappier colors and breaking up the solid zig zags with accents. ![]() One more...you would need about 8 shades of blue to do this. I started with white on the right and paired it with really light blue under and in the row next to it. As I moved left I kept pairing the triangle with a darker shade and making it one of the triangles in the next column (the pieces I added are in that right column). I get my illusion of zig zag with a green and light center band, with just two shades of green and the white and lightest blue. It would be tough to have enough shades of blue for this but I wonder if it could work with ombre fabrics?? ![]() For my block I started by looking through my leftover half square triangle box and bag. I sew an extra seam often when making snowball blocks or flying geese and rummage through for times like this to see if I have some ready pieces that might just need a little extra trimming to be the right size. The other thing that would be great for this week is Triangle Paper! I didn't know about that until I did Moda Blockheads last year and read Corey Yoder's blog about it. When I have a lot of half square triangles to make it sure makes a difference in efficiency! However, for my scrappy version I found about half my triangles in my HST scrap box and I made the other half. For my all-Thatched version I made all new pieces. ![]() For the Thatched version, I used a combination of Flying Geese and Half Square Triangles. The center area is the focus with the contrast and accent colors. I love home this looks like a composition within a composition. And I am considering just making this into a little wall mini vs putting it into the sampler. I like how it looks standing alone. After joining it and pressing it intensely, I saw the Flying Geese unit at the top middle being "off" a little. I'm thinking I might just live with it. We'll see... Janet Clare says to not point out your mistakes, so I think I'm just pointing out "the personality of the block!" ![]() And here is my scrappy version added to the mix! I used the composition of all HST and a darker zig zag running through horizontally. I made this one in the 6" size and since my quilt is using 8" blocks I will probably add an inch border going all the way around the block. I like the size of this one the way it is and did not want to make more HST. I hope you all had fun with this block! ![]() More Moda Blockheads Designers: 7.8 – pcvpn免费 - we are here! 7.15 – 免费的pcvpn 7.22 – Joanna Figueroa 7.29 – Corey Yoder 8.5 – Sherri McConnell 8.12 – Betsy Chutchian 8.19 – Jan Patek 8.26 – Brigitte Heitland 9.2 – Lisa Bongean 9.9 – 免费pcvpn 9.16 – Laurie Simpson 9.23– Vanessa Goertzen 9.30 – 免费的pcvpn 10.7 – Robin Pickens ![]()
vpn被封翻墙党该何去何从?App Store连接不上如何解决?(图 ...:2021-1-29 · 前几天,据《环球时报》英文网报道中国已经开始屏蔽外国VPN服务,此消息也引起了国内“翻墙党”的一片震动。日前,工信部通信发展司司长闻库在接受采访时也被问到了这一问题,他回应称在中国发展互联网一定要按照中国的法律法规来进行,一些不良信息应该按照中国法律进行管理。6/30/2024 407 Comments VPN | 反斗限免:免费获取一年 Seed4.Me VPN Proxy 服务[Android、iOS、macOS、Windows][$20→0] By admin 十一月 25, 2021 Android, iOS, Mac, PC, 网络辅助 20 Comments Seed4.Me VPN Proxy 是一款数据加密浏览服务,能够为你提供加密的数据浏览服务。通过它你 ... ![]() I'm very excited to share my block this week "CORNER GARDEN"! This block came out of the leaves in my Bird Talk quilt with a desire to do a simplified floral bloom. I think this block would be adorable in the corners of a pieced border of a quilt, plus it plays off the 4 corners of the block, thus the CORNER part of the garden name. The pattern is here in the gray link box right under this paragraph, but keep reading for color play and a BOOK GIVEAWAY from Martingale Publishers! Corner Garden Pattern Link ![]() Big square flower blooms and leaves....simple in flat colors or you can try them with a color ramp from light to dark. Change up the colors and contrast from one bloom to the next and switch up the leaf colors. I also played with the negative and positive shapes in the last one, with a change in leaf backgrounds too. ![]() Since the corners of the pattern are made up with stitch and flip squares, why not try greens to the center to make a base for the flower bud with two of the corners? And you can play with varying shades of color to give the illusion of angle and perspective on the flower sides. The bottom images also play with the rectangles that border the leaves. If you make part of those the leaf colors it creates an image of stems weaving together in a flower twist. ![]() Then I started to break down the shapes to be less literal as flowers, and to emphasize the triangles to the sides of the leaves. They start to look like supergraphic stripes and boxed in angled stripes vs leaves. I also explored a blue/cream/green palette. The last image starts to play off the faceted corners of the octagonal shapes. ![]() And this last one breaks down the shapes even more to the churn dash idea and graduated stripes. These feel graphic and can work well if you are more focused on shapes and don't want blocks that suggest flowers and literal objects. ![]() OpenVPN_百度百科:2021-8-1 · 虚拟网卡是使用网络底层编程技术实现的一个驱动软件,安装后在主机上多出现一个网卡,可众像其它网卡一样进行配置。 服务程序可众在应用层打开虚拟网卡,如果应用软件(如IE)向虚拟网卡发送数据,则服务程序可众读取到该数据,如果服务程序写合适的数据到虚拟网卡,应用软件也可众接收 ... ![]() These are my all-Thatched and scrappy versions of Corner Garden. The scrappy one uses Abby Rose and Dandi Annie plaid with Cream and Tangerine Thatched. These are 8" blocks. I tend to make my corner pieces a little larger and trim them down to size. And if all the HST corners are the same, I make my HST with an 8-at-a-time method vs individually. ![]() The 4" block I made in V& Co Ombre Confetti. I just love doing these little blocks! ![]() And I thought it would be fun to try making a block from strip/string quilt pieces. The block below is a 12" block using strips from Solana, Dandi Annie, Painted Meadow, Sweet Pea & Lily, Blushing Peonies and Abby Rose. I used the Ombre Confetti for centers since I thought the dots reminded me of big pollen filled flowers. There are lots of ways to have fun with this block! ![]() The other exciting piece of news today is the Martingale giveaway of some of the Moda All-Stars books! You can enter to win a digital download version of one of the quilt books. I am taking names here on my blog to be entered into a random sweepstakes for a digital copy of Lucky Charm Quilts. Sales of this Moda All-Stars book benefit 我伔很专业|在家怎么用山大vpn上知网?_论文 - Sohu:2021-7-20 · HighWire Press号称是提供免费全文的、全球最大的学术文献出版商之一。 该网站收录的期刊内容囊括了生命科学、医学、物理学、社会科学等多个领域,具体收录电子期刊882种,文章总数已达282万篇,其中超过103万篇文章可免费获得全文,重点是这些数据仍在不断增加。TO ENTER TO WIN A DIGITAL COPY OF THIS BOOK, enter a comment below telling me your favorite color to sew with! I'll be drawing a winner on Friday and will contact the person through their information on the blog comment. Thank you for supporting the All-Stars books that benefit wonderful charities! ![]() ![]() But I'm not the only one doing a giveaway! All the Moda Blockheads designers are giving away one of the All-Stars books this week. Please visit the other designer blogs and enter for more chances to win one of the digital books! Links to their blogs are below: 7.1 – Robin Pickens - we are here! 7.8 – Janet Clare pcvpn免费Jen Kingwell 7.22 – Joanna Figueroa pcvpn免费免费的pcvpn 8.5 – Sherri McConnell 8.12 – Betsy Chutchian 免费pcvpnJan Patek 8.26 – Brigitte Heitland 9.2 – pcvpn免费 免费的pcvpnLissa Alexander 9.16 – Laurie Simpson 9.23– Vanessa Goertzen 9.30 – Stacy Iest Hsu ![]() ![]()
SEW HAPPY project totes and tea towels!6/24/2024 9 Comments ![]() Download Master - 下载:2021-5-27 · Download Master, 免费下载. Download Master 下载的主人是一个光滑和有吸引力的下载管理有免费的和付费版本的软件。它使用多下载技术将大文件分割成小块,在同一时间下载部分。它可众访问 http、 https 和 ftp 下载协议。下载大师可众结合互联网 ... ![]() I have heard some people say they will add a calendar tea towel to a back of a quilt to mark the month and year the quilt was made. I think that is such a fun idea! I like to just collect them as a memento from each year and vary the designs. I also hang them for some time in the kitchen from a skirt hanger and I can then switch them out easily. ![]() If you are interested in getting one of these, let your local quilt shop know you want them to order some. Along with this tea towel (which will be shipped to shops in November), Moda is also making some tote products! They have the same floral and quilt design but instead of a calendar they say SEW HAPPY. I was so excited to see the samples and did this video that shows them more on my youtube channel. And this fun fast one to get a feel for HOW MUCH fits into this large project tote! The totes have fun red handles and the regular sized tote and large project one have inside zippered pockets to hold those little things that so easily get lost. Or you can pop a zipper pouch inside the tote that holds rotary cutter, scissors, threads, etc. The zipper pouch has a nice strap handle to the side so you can loop it over your wrist. Another lovely feature in the large project tote is a pocket that runs along the width of the tote on the back side. It has a center seam so it doesn't flop open and its a great spot for some of your rulers, books, and patterns. ![]() This is an example of the types of things I have if I'm taking a class or workshop for quilting, including fabric (did I mention it fits whole bolts of fabric?), cutting mats, rulers, sewing notions, rotating mats, and patterns and quilt blocks or tops. I am forever fighting the long rulers and mats and trying to keep them from sliding out of my arms and piles of stuff as I travel from car to class. I like to have my 24" long rulers and a mat that is at least that wide as well. All this stuff fits in the tote! Of if I'm going to see a longarm quilter, I have my quilt top, quilt back and possibly batting. Or my big embroidery/quilting hoop. ![]() The totes and zipper pouches will be shipping to shops in December. Wouldn't this be a great gift for a sewing friend? I'm making up my list (and sorry Mom, you now know one thing you'll be getting for Christmas!) Want to see more videos with fabrics and quilts and fun stuff for sewing? Pop on over to my youtube channel! http://www.youtube.com/c/robinpickens ![]()
下载 Private Internet Access VPN 2.1.0 Windows 版 - FileHippo:下载 Private Internet Access VPN 2.1.0 Windows 版。快速下载最新免费软件!马上单击 Firefox Private Network Firefox专用网络是Firefox的浏览器扩展。通过通过网络浏览器的安全服务器重新路由您的数字足迹,它可众隐藏您的浏览活动和IP地址。6/24/2024 2 Comments Who doesn't love adorable house quilt blocks? I love them! And the simplicity of these lovely homes from Stacy makes them a versatile and fun block to do. To get Stacy's block pattern, visit her blog here: vpn被封翻墙党该何去何从?App Store连接不上如何解决?(图 ...:2021-1-29 · 前几天,据《环球时报》英文网报道中国已经开始屏蔽外国VPN服务,此消息也引起了国内“翻墙党”的一片震动。日前,工信部通信发展司司长闻库在接受采访时也被问到了这一问题,他回应称在中国发展互联网一定要按照中国的法律法规来进行,一些不良信息应该按照中国法律进行管理。 ![]() Color studies for this week are pretty straightforward since I think the houses are so cute as houses and I just did some different play with keeping my neighborhood consistent or varied in colors. First off, the houses look modern and minimalist when just done as the shapes in all a single color. Start adding in different colors for doors and roofs and the houses become more dimensional and have more character. I tried Fall colors or a mix of fun pink, purple, orange and brown colors with variety in my sky blues and separate roof browns. What if the houses are all from a snowy village with night blue skies? Or a Christmas street with red and green houses with snow topped roofs and one with the snow falling softly. However you decide to do your houses, I imagine they will reflect some of YOUR neighborhood. ![]() Here is a little fun extra play with the blocks. These are houses rotating around by the roofs or bases. I think of it as traveling around the block. All of a sudden we see arrows and more interesting shapes from the flying geese and those triangles. ![]() ![]() My blocks this week use the brown colorways. Since I don't have many browns in my collections I've used ombre confetti by V & Co for my print blocks with an Abby Rose orange door.
Have fun building your neighborhood this week. And guess what...next week is MY BLOCK again! I'm so excited to share it with you. Be sure to check back next Wednesday! Visit other Blockheads designers: 6.24 – Stacy Iest Hsu<–We are Here 7.1 – Robin Pickens 7.8 – Janet Clare 7.15 – 免费pcvpn 7.22 – Joanna Figueroa 7.29 – 免费的pcvpn 8.5 – Sherri McConnell 8.12 – Betsy Chutchian 8.19 – Jan Patek 8.26 – Brigitte Heitland 9.2 – Lisa Bongean 9.9 – Lissa Alexander 9.16 – Laurie Simpson 9.23– pcvpn免费
爬墙专用加速器-魔法工具app下载-外网免费试用两小时-爬墙专用加速器6/20/2024 免费的pcvpn Have you been participating in Stacie's Mini Course on being a Creative Powerhouse? It is interesting to me that even after all these years of my own art licensing, I still learn new things or am reminded of the things we need to do on a regular basis to sharpen our skills and become better. I was listening to Stacie talk about setting big goals. I've been so busy working that I haven't taken the time to set some new goals for myself. ![]() So after listening to Stacie's second lesson in her mini-course, I wrote down new goals. I loved Stacie saying "You've got more power about what happens in your life...The dreaming stage is a part of the process of being a creative powerhouse and remember dreams can grow. They can evolve and they can change. The most important thing to know is that you can hold your dreams loosely in your hands and leave room for inspiration and opportunity." We often don't know exactly what it is that we are striving for until we start learning, start envisioning, start opening ourselves up to the ideas of bigger and better than what we have right now, and start setting the big scary goals. The notion that you can hold dreams loosely in your hands and leave room for inspiration and opportunity is an exciting and motivating concept. We need to take time to examine and learn and grow and be open to these opportunities. ![]() In lesson 4 Stacie talks about making money from your art. Yup, the business stuff. Multiple streams of income. There is a lot of info to take in. Which is why she has a more thorough course. It's a LOT of stuff. I just might be one of those speakers on a bonus segment in her course too! (which, funny thing is...is one of my goals to do MORE teaching and public speaking). ![]() If you want more info on Stacie's course "Leverage Your Art", please check out all her info here: Leverage Your Art with Stacie Bloomfield It is an 8 week class, online, and covers lots of information about the many ways to make a living from your art. One thing Stacie mentioned in her mini-course is that she has tried all these methods over the years herself, including licensing, selling direct to consumers, manufacturing and wholesaling, print on demand, commissions, trade shows, illustrating for publishing and more. She's done it and speaks from a place of experience. I'm really glad I've had the chance to get to know her better through Moda as a fellow designer. Her registration is open through Tuesday June 23rd! By the way, ALL the art on this post is by Stacie! ![]() (And can I just tell you how much I love this scene in her house?? ) ![]() windows下部署免费ssl证书(letsencrypt)的方法_win服务器 ...:2021-3-22 · 二. 免费Letencrypt 证书部署 这个是由国外发起的一个免费的ssl项目,现在已经得到了谷歌等主流浏览器的认可。从安全角度考虑,通过Letencrypt安装的免费证书只有三个月的有效期,到期之需要重新申请,但是这也给部署造成了一定的麻烦,所众 ... ![]() Okay, happy weekend everyone and I hope you are happy and creating something that brings you joy!
Lucky Penny by Vanessa Goertzen for Moda Blockheads6/17/2024 7 Comments Happy Moda Blockheads day! This weeks cheery block is at Vanessa Goertzen's blog: Lucky Penny pattern at Lellaboutique With a name like Lucky Penny, how could I not think of coppery orange colors? Maybe mixed with grays from other change with it? Silver and copper...gray and orange...time for color play! ![]() This block is just FUN like gumballs in bright colors! The little stitch and flip corners make friendly curved pieces that can play with random color in spotty placement or lining up the balls in rows or playing with the balls in formation on an angle. I started with all the same color stitch and flip corners and started to introduce other colors to give those corners their own sparkly personality. In the second row I looked at the center stitch and flip unit being light/white while the other corners were darker colors. Combined with the colors of the snowball blocks in the center 4 pieces it really calls attention to that center spot. It is also interesting to carry those light corners out as little bows out to the corners. I kept the middle and right second row images completely symmetrical and tried the outer ring of pieces in light or dark shades. I n the bottom row the image on the left shows using all the same repeating stitch and flip color pairs with mostly white snowball blocks. I've emphasized one block in there with a soft color surrounding it. The other two in the last row could be done in all white or in low volume fabrics with the color coming mostly from the stitch and flip corners. I love how the last one really becomes a composition about the little diamonds and you hardly see the snowballs. ![]() For my own blocks, I liked the colors arranged in a random way and felt that had a playful energy. I used the orange fabrics from Abby Rose to make my scrappy block, using Burgundy from Thatched to make the dark corners that really make the orange prints pop. ![]() But I was also interested in making the low volume version of the block and decided to make a 4" block with my playful colors in the stitch and flip corners. ![]() I'm not exactly the most accurate and patient when it comes to making a 4" block with lots of little pieces. I think my block should be renamed "Wonky Penny"! The seam ripper is there because I did rip out my rows and resewed them...believe it or not, this is the improved one! I decided I was just fine with the imperfections on this one and I kind of like the personality it has. Those small blocks sure are cute! ![]() If you want to refer back to other color studies for Moda Blockheads I've made a page that shows an overview of them. The "COLOR STUDIES" is up in the navigation bar at the top. On the page you can click on an image to be taken to that blog post I'll update it and add the new color studies as I do them. ![]() Hope you have lots of fun with your Lucky Penny block! Be sure to check out the other Moda designers!
6.17– 免费pcvpn 6.24 – Stacy Iest Hsu pcvpn免费Robin Pickens 免费pcvpnJanet Clare 7.15 – Jen Kingwell 免费pcvpnJoanna Figueroa 7.29 – Corey Yoder 8.5 – Sherri McConnell 8.12 – Betsy Chutchian 8.19 – Jan Patek 免费pcvpnBrigitte Heitland 9.2 – Lisa Bongean 9.9 – Lissa Alexander 9.16 – Laurie Simpson
![]() 爬墙专用加速器-魔法工具app下载-外网免费试用两小时-爬墙专用加速器Designer of colorful florals for Moda fabrics. Modern to transitional quilt designer. Illustrator, sewist, crafter.
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![]() Check the March 6, 2017 Episode!
July 2024
© Robin Pickens Inc. All rights reserved. No images may be reproduced without permission.